Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cloth Diapers Part 1: Why Cloth?

My first introduction to cloth diapers was from my grandmother. She once told me a story that her mother told her. My great-grandmother was changing her diaper and as she was pinning the diaper on, my grandmother started crying uncontrollably! My great-grandmother couldn't figure out why she was crying, but soon realized that she had poked her skin with the diaper pin! My thoughts after hearing that story were "Thank God for disposables".

Needless to say, THESE are not the cloth diapers my great-grandmother OR my grandmother used! Cloth diapers have come so far from just simply prefolds and pins! So why in the world would we throw those oh-so-convenient disposables out the window?! (Not literally, because that would be littering!)

Here are some reasons why cloth is so great:

1. ENVIRONMENTAL- It's better for the environment. Here are some facts about disposable diapers:

  • It takes more than 400 years for a single diaper to biodegrade  (and that's in ideal conditions)
  • Just one baby (from birth to potty-training) in disposable diapers will contribute around 1.5 tons of garbage
  • Disposable diapers are the third most popular consumer product in landfills


2. ECONOMICAL- The fact is,  it's cheaper to use diapers that can be re-used rather than single-use disposable diapers. Here are the facts:

  • On average, you will spend between $2,000-$3,000 just on diapers by the time your child is potty trained
  • The estimated cost to use cloth can be as little as $300, including the extra laundry costs.


3. BABY'S HEALTH- Did you know that cloth is actually healthier for your baby's bum. Here are some facts:

  • Babies with cloth diapers get significantly fewer diaper rashes and some such as FuzziBunz that actually help treat diaper rash.
  • You will know when your baby is wet and therefore change her diaper more often. This is a good thing as your little one will not be sitting in wet/soiled diapers for very long
  • Many disposable diapers have harsh chemicals such as Sodium polyacrylate (the crystalline substance) and dioxins that help with absorbancy. Here are a few articles that talk about these chemicals:


4. EASE AND CONVENIENCE- Yes, it's true! The modern cloth diaper is just as easy to use as a disposable one. You just have to find the right one for you and your baby. Once you have a routine, you will find cloth diapers are as easy or easier than using disposables! Seriously!


5. CUTENESS- Seriously, there is nothing cuter than a cloth diapered bum! Cloth diapers come in endless colors and patterns for both little boys and for little girls. Add some matching leggings and your heart might burst from too much cute!

There are tons of websites, articles, blogs and videos about cloth diapering. So I encourage you to do some research yourself and see if cloth is what you want to do. Here are the websites in which I obtained my information:

 This is the first post in my Cloth Diapering series. These are the other cloth diapering posts in this series:
I hope you have as much fun picking out and using cloth diapers on your little ones as I do! Happy cloth diapering!

Until The Whole World Hears,
Katie <><
Trained Doula
Cloth Diaper Educator

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