Wednesday, January 2, 2013

To You, I Promise...

Dear Sweet Children of Mine,

     As 2013 begins I just want you to know that I love you and I wish the richest blessings on you both for the next year. You both are growing and learning so fast and Daddy and I are having trouble keeping up with you guys changing so fast. I know this year will come with many exciting moments, scary moments, sad moments and happy moments, but right now I want to make a promise to you. As your mother, I want to be the best for you. I want to be the mother, the best mother God has created me to be. Here is my promise to you for 2013:

I promise to play with you more than gripe at you.

I promise to pray for you and pray with you every day.

I promise to teach you about patience by practicing patience.

I promise to let you learn by letting you explore your world (and let you get dirty).

I promise to teach you about God's love by being a living example of God's love.

I promise to be slow to anger and not to raise my voice when I lose my temper.

I promise to sing with you, dance with you, and be silly with you, no matter who's watching.

I promise to teach you about the world by sometimes letting you fall down.

I promise to help you back up when you fall down.

I promise to show you how much I love you with more hugs, kisses and cuddles than you can handle.

I promise to not only take pictures of you, but take pictures with you.

I promise to read the Bible with you every day.

I promise to help you grow with self-confidence by always saying encouraging words.

I promise to play blocks, cars, dolls or kitchen with you even if I'd rather not.

I promise to let you be who you want to be, no matter what anyone else thinks.

I promise to teach you kind words by using kinds words.

I promise to show you how important you are by giving you my time.

I promise to spoil you with love, knowledge and imagination rather than with material things.

I promise to teach you that it's okay to make mistakes by admitting my own mistakes.

I love you two more than you could ever imagine! I know 2013 will be a wonderful year for us all and I pray that you enjoy it!



Dear Mommy,
     Your promises are beautiful and it is obvious you want the very best for your children, but this is a tall order. Your words will not always be encouraging, your anger will get the best of you, you will sit on the couch instead of playing blocks, and you will lose your patience. This does not mean you are not a good mother. In fact, you are the very best mother for these children. God has given and entrusted them to you.

    This does not mean you should hit the "delete" button and not make these promises. In fact, you should make these promises with the intention of keeping them. Strive toward these promises, keep them in your heart and your intentions will not go unnoticed.

     Your children will notice your gestures: that deep breath before you speak instead of getting mad, the TV being turned off to play trains with them, the extra squeeze you give them just because. They will notice and their lives will be richer because of it. And when mistakes happen, admit them. Say you are sorry in front of them. Let them know that it's okay to make mistakes and to admit them and they will be richer because of it.

Promise to promise these to your children, do the very best you can in keeping them, and 2013 will be a year full of innumerable blessings!

Love in truth,
Mommy from reality

1 comment:

  1. I love this, friend. I love love love the letter at the bottom. I thought the same things - EVERYDAY?! What if something happens!? I was starting to feel a little mama-nxiety. ;-) But this is awesome. Grace is new each day. Amen!
